Artsuite - Moons Equilibrium 1 - Original artwork by Tim Lytvinenko.  Mixed Media - Gold, red, blue metallic photo paper, paint, gel, on canvas.  Size is 55 × 45 inches.


Equilibrium | Mixed Media | 2018


With a background in computer science and 15 years as a fine art and documentary photographer, Tim explores ideas of what it means to be human.  Experimenting heavily with print processes and manipulating digital photographs, Lytvinenko creates emotional and detailed multi-media works on the subject of self.  Equilibrium is a state of adjustment and balance for Tim and his work, capturing a free fall that is both static and dynamic.



36 × 27 inches - Unframed



Metallic photo paper, paint, gel, on canvas



Hand signed by the artist

Moons Equilibrium 1

Regular price $3,300 $0 Unit price per


Equilibrium | Mixed Media | 2018


With a background in computer science and 15 years as a fine art and documentary photographer, Tim explores ideas of what it means to be human.  Experimenting heavily with print processes and manipulating digital photographs, Lytvinenko creates emotional and detailed multi-media works on the subject of self.  Equilibrium is a state of adjustment and balance for Tim and his work, capturing a free fall that is both static and dynamic.



36 × 27 inches - Unframed



Metallic photo paper, paint, gel, on canvas



Hand signed by the artist

Behind the Scenes

Tim Lytvinenko

Raleigh, NC

Unlike the kids his age who were afraid of the dark, photographer and printmaker Tim Lytvinenko spent a good chunk of his childhood angling to spend more time in dark rooms. He took his first photography class in third grade and was fascinated by all of it, but found his sweet spot under the red lights of the darkroom. Through timing and tweaking different elements — exposure, developer, stop bath,...