Drawing | 2018
(Gott-Li self-creating Universe with Toroidal closed timeline curves and simulated dendritic patterning for Space-filling Neuronal Dendrites)
Model for first causes contrasts two very different types of model, one for the origins of the universe and one for the development of neurons in the human brain. In the drawing, a delicate glass-like depiction of their model is suspended above an abstract square of branching terrain, itself based on a model for the origins of human thought. Each star-like structure is an algorithmic representation of a human neuron designed by Kaoru Sugimura to replicate patterns of brain cell growth. The junctions between those cells are where basic units of thought arise from cascades electrochemical signals, giving the human brains its unique ability to question not only it’s own origins, but the very origins of the universe itself.
49 x 49 inches - Framed
Ink, pencil and watercolour on paper
Hand signed by the artist
Model for first causes
Drawing | 2018
(Gott-Li self-creating Universe with Toroidal closed timeline curves and simulated dendritic patterning for Space-filling Neuronal Dendrites)
Model for first causes contrasts two very different types of model, one for the origins of the universe and one for the development of neurons in the human brain. In the drawing, a delicate glass-like depiction of their model is suspended above an abstract square of branching terrain, itself based on a model for the origins of human thought. Each star-like structure is an algorithmic representation of a human neuron designed by Kaoru Sugimura to replicate patterns of brain cell growth. The junctions between those cells are where basic units of thought arise from cascades electrochemical signals, giving the human brains its unique ability to question not only it’s own origins, but the very origins of the universe itself.
49 x 49 inches - Framed
Ink, pencil and watercolour on paper
Hand signed by the artist
Behind the Scenes

Michael Whittle
Hong Kong
What if the solution to a puzzle you’d been struggling to solve ended up being the METHOD you were using to solve it? Sounds strange, but that’s exactly how English artist and researcher Michael Whittle came up with the idea for his award-winning 2015 PhD thesis, which has since been downloaded more than 58,000 times in 25 different countries. After receiving his MA from London's Royal College of Art...