Unique Photographic Monoprint | 2020
As galaxies and stars move away from earth, from the human perspective, their visible light waves stretch, make them appear more red than they actually are. Blueshift is the opposite, when you see something move closer to you. These shifts create a color pallet of the universe’s ebb and flow and size and age. Similar to our own lives, nearly all objects are redshifted.
With a background in computer science and 15 years as a fine art and documentary photographer, Tim explores ideas of what it means to be human. Experimenting heavily with print processes and manipulating digital photographs, Lytvinenko creates emotional and detailed multi-media works on the subject of self. His pieces can be, at once, large scale and intimate, technical and improvisational.
30 × 24 inches - Unframed
Photo transfer on to metallic gold photo paper
Hand signed by the artist
Messier 32
Unique Photographic Monoprint | 2020
As galaxies and stars move away from earth, from the human perspective, their visible light waves stretch, make them appear more red than they actually are. Blueshift is the opposite, when you see something move closer to you. These shifts create a color pallet of the universe’s ebb and flow and size and age. Similar to our own lives, nearly all objects are redshifted.
With a background in computer science and 15 years as a fine art and documentary photographer, Tim explores ideas of what it means to be human. Experimenting heavily with print processes and manipulating digital photographs, Lytvinenko creates emotional and detailed multi-media works on the subject of self. His pieces can be, at once, large scale and intimate, technical and improvisational.
30 × 24 inches - Unframed
Photo transfer on to metallic gold photo paper
Hand signed by the artist