Artsuite - Stacked Enneper surface 7 with retina - Minimal Surface Series - Original drawing by Michael Whittle made with ink, pencil and watercolour on paper.  31 × 22 inches.  This series of drawings contrast two very different ways of modeling the world and our ideas about it.  Minimal surfaces are surface area-minimizing objects discovered by Mathematicians.


Minimal Surface Series | Drawing | 2017 


(Stacked 7 lobed Enneper with neural network detected retinal vasculature  

This series of drawings contrast two very different ways of modeling the world and our ideas about it.  Minimal surfaces are surface area-minimizing objects discovered by Mathematicians.  Suspended beneath these objects are the fractal-like blood vessels of the human retina. 



22 × 31 inches - Framed



Ink, pencil and watercolour on paper



Hand signed by the artist

Stacked Enneper surface 7 with retina

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Minimal Surface Series | Drawing | 2017 


(Stacked 7 lobed Enneper with neural network detected retinal vasculature  

This series of drawings contrast two very different ways of modeling the world and our ideas about it.  Minimal surfaces are surface area-minimizing objects discovered by Mathematicians.  Suspended beneath these objects are the fractal-like blood vessels of the human retina. 



22 × 31 inches - Framed



Ink, pencil and watercolour on paper



Hand signed by the artist